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To the back of the house, you are greeted with a large outdoor area which is sectioned off into a number of areas to provide the children with an array of learning activities and experiences.
Our Pre School is located away from the main nursery within its own self-contained annex. This individual classroom helps to get the children ‘school ready’.
We are committed to help all our children educationally, we do this by preparing them ahead of their school year. The same curriculum (EYFS) follows your child through to the end of their reception year at school. We have built strong links with many local schools to make the transition smooth and positive for your child when the time comes for them to leave.
Our experienced staff will follow the children’s interests and focus on activities that interest them whilst providing the support needed to let them challenge their ideas. We encourage language development, creativity, the development of mathematical concepts and a scientific enquiring mind. Vocabulary is encouraged through informal conversation, daily ‘news’, stories, songs and group discussions including various educational displays around the room.
The routine within Pre School becomes more structured due to the need for a daily Literacy and numeracy input. Children within the class have a daily phonics session which introduces them to early reading and writing skills, in addition, games, adult led play, and free flow play enables the staff to introduce basic numeracy skills such as counting, knowledge of shape and colour as well as problem solving and estimation skills.
The children will take part in group activities, this encourages children to co-operate with one another, make friends, share, and take turns. We are a multicultural nursery and we celebrate each other’s festivals and help our children understand cultural differences and preferences and to respect the beliefs of others in a friendly way.
Our pre-schoolers are very independent and have access to their own toilet area to encourage confidence and self-care with toileting and handwashing. They set the table at mealtimes and serve their own breakfast.
The children are now becoming quite expert in their use of the materials within the space and are incredibly resourceful both indoor and outdoor, utilising the natural environment to deepen their knowledge and understanding. The preschool children are now refining their skills - constructing on a grand scale, utilising a variety of resources on-hand, there is always an adventure to be had.
Pre-school has its own covered area which is an extension to their classroom which allows them to move from indoors to outdoors despite the weather.
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